Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review 5 Lily Allen-Littlest Things

This black and white video  really fit the message of her song in the way that it had a gloomy feel to it. I also noticed there were a lot of geometric shapes throughout the clips with white light coming through them which seemed to represent the windows of a building. Straight lines and preciseness seemed to be a big part of this video by how things moved across the screen in a very controlled and exact way. Also the faces of the actors were blank and expressionless which made them seem robotic. I thought it was creative how they showed the shadows on the geometric shapes and you could see the silhouettes of different couples.

Review 4 Dancing liten-Miss Li

This music video was very simple and was shot in only one room. It showed a cluster of musicians in one corner with their instruments while the singer Miss Li was set more in the middle while playing a key board. To keep it interesting they had shots from many different angles going from one to another at a very fast pace. The shots included half shots, full shots, pans, worms eye and birds eye view. I thought the part in the beginning where it started in black and white then changed to color on the first beat was a nice touch because it showed how music can make things come more alive.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Review 3 The Truman Show

This film touched on a lot of issues in media and how far television might go to entertain there viewers. There were parts where they showed people watching from there homes, work and bars and it was suprising how no one questioned the theme of the show or how it might affect Truman. This was expressing how shallow people can become while watching tv and that viewers tend to be less empathetic towards things while watching it on a screen.  I was impressed by how they portrayed Trumans world that was actually a set. Especially during the scene where he started to noticed the patterns in his everyday life.

Humans Rights article brainstorm

Article 26:
Zoomed in images of different school supplies.
school-supplies.jpg (2360×1568)              

Article 30:
 Hands representing community

Article 17:
Door knob or door representing owning property
angle would be zoomed in also

Symbolism Brainstorm blog post

Things that can represent downtown Oak.
-tall buildings 
-Oaklandish symbol
-What the weather/climate/ agriculture is like.

Something that represents media

Things I wear:
-nose ring

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Review 2

The film consists of full shots and half shots each having the most common unoriginal photos that are usually seen in calendars, commercials ect. Darwin Deez (singer) was green screened into every image gazing at the women, couple or family while they have no idea of his presence even when doing outrageous things. At the end the images started to escalate to the point where he was appearing in random clips that had nothing to do with the theme. I thought this was a very humorous and creative music-video that grabbed my attention as soon as I started to notice the themes in the clips.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Film review 1


            Lars and the Real Girl was directed by Craig Gillespie and is a comedy/drama film. I thought the topic for this film was very unique and wasnt to goofy even with its outrageous relationship.  It was interesting how you could see the different reactions to Lars's girlfriend/doll and watch them start to accept her into there community out of care for Lars.  In this movie I saw slightly shaky hand held shots that were most common during a dramatic scene when a character is showing sadness or anger.