Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Sound of Her Voice review 15

This film follows a couple who take a big risk by joining a cult that surrounds a woman who claims that they can travel through time. They attempt to expose her cult, believing that she plans to do harm to the members that follow her. The most interesting shots in the film are the ones where the characters are having flash backs to moments of struggle in their past, the clips were busy and flashy while moving to one shot to another at a fast phase. The film explained very little about the plans of the cult or whether or not it was real and in the end left it at a cliff hanger. I think they focused less on the details of the cult and more on the people involved because they wanted to get more in depth with the psychology and interactions between members.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Human Rights sentence ideas

  • It was difficult at first to express the main points of the quotes through our art work but in the end we were able to accomplish the posters while also learning many of our rights that most are not familiar with. 

  • This project was a creative way of showing our human rights and makes it more visually interesting as well as informative for the viewers. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Review 14

"We Need To Talk About Kevin" was a psychological thriller starring Ezra Miller as the sociopathic son and Tilda Swinton playing the passive and distressed mother. This film is follows the struggle of a mother raising a troubled boy with extremely manipulative starting even when he was a toddler. The mother tries to have compassion for the boy but his cold ways are to much for her, and she ends up being the victim of her son for years intill he is locked up after he commits a unthinkable act.  There are a lot of interesting shots including the first scene showing her during a tomato sauce food fight  and theres a birds eye view of her looking up smiling while she's being lifted up by the people around her.

Friday, November 15, 2013

review 13

The plot was based around a couple who payed a doctor to erase there memories so they would forget one another. When the boyfriend is put under he realizes that he doesn't want to forget her and throughout his dreams he struggles to hold on to her.  But in the end its to late and he ends up forgetting her existence. This film had a lot of symbolism through out for example the procedure that they were offering showed how people want to forget un pleasent memories or the people that they have losed and now miss. But in the end its more important to cherish the good memories of that person even if its difficult, which is what the character realized.Another example of symbolism was when the main character (Jim Carrey) was hiding under the table. I think this showed how he feels emotionally immature in a lot of ways which probably related to why he felt the relationship didnt work out.

Safety Not Guaranteed

This film follows a a group of interns and a writer who is following an ad that promises a time travel expiernce but doesn't promise that they will come back safely.  Once they meet the man who's responsible for the ad you start out thinking hes delusional but as the film goes on you start to realize that he may be telling the truth. I think the time machine was symbolizing the feeling that most people get to go back and fix there mistakes or to appreciate something that they took for granit.  I thought it was interesting how this film started out being realistic but then slowly became more outrageous as it went on.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Ariel is sitting in front of her laptop about to start writing essay she is looking annoyed. She stares at the screen for awhile before saying.
 Ariel: ughhh I'm never gonna get this done.
Puts hands on face before talking to herself saying

 Ariel: Just focus Ariel, focus.

Gets back to typing then starts to look upward and begins to drift off

blurry transition into first day dream

Mid shot to her laying on floor with candy surrounding her. She moves her arms like she's making a snow angel and unwraps then eats some of the candy

blurry transition back to her in front of laptop

Rubs her eyes and shakes her arm in an effort to focus 

She then puts on ear phones 

Blurry transition into second day dream

Ariel is wearing a gown and lip singing to a song. Air is blowing on her face causing her hair to fly back like in a music video. 
Before the end of the clip she trips right before the transition and is back in front of the laptop.

Once she snaps back she looks exasperated and rip the earphones off. 

Ariel: Okay no more day dreaming 

  Several shots of her typing showing that time has passed and she's working hard

Her phone rings. She opens it and smiles before replying to a text. She puts the phone down but before she can finish typing a sentence it rings again. This happens three more times and she finally is fed up and types "I have to finish my essay but ill ttyl"

Her friend replies saying "okay but before you leave look at this photo of you"

Ariel clicks the link. Her computer starts to make weird noises and then shuts down.
She attempts to turn it back on before yelling.

Ariel: No no no not a virus, not now!

She picks up her phone and calls her friends #.

Ariel: Hello? Yeah what happend you sent me a link on FB and now my computer isn't working. What your not even on fb? Then...shoot I think your account got hacked cause I'm pretty sure that was a virus. *Sighs* well now I have to start all over on my Mac. No its not your fault don't worry about it.  You should change your password though. Kay ill call you later. peace! 

Goes to mac to start essay. Before she can finish typing a sentence her mom calls

Mom: Honey your dinners ready 

Ariel: Mom I really need to finish this essay.

Mom: Ariel you can't skip meals, it'll be there when you get back.

Ariel: Noooo but its getting late I'll eat it when I'm done.


*Scoots chair back*

Ariel: Fine!

Mid shot of Ariel eating food angrily. She scoots plate away with half of the food still there

Mom gives her a disapproving look

Ariel rolls her eyes then starts up eating again.

Next shot is her frantically typing in front of computer before she yawns then passes out onto key board.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013