Friday, November 15, 2013

review 13

The plot was based around a couple who payed a doctor to erase there memories so they would forget one another. When the boyfriend is put under he realizes that he doesn't want to forget her and throughout his dreams he struggles to hold on to her.  But in the end its to late and he ends up forgetting her existence. This film had a lot of symbolism through out for example the procedure that they were offering showed how people want to forget un pleasent memories or the people that they have losed and now miss. But in the end its more important to cherish the good memories of that person even if its difficult, which is what the character realized.Another example of symbolism was when the main character (Jim Carrey) was hiding under the table. I think this showed how he feels emotionally immature in a lot of ways which probably related to why he felt the relationship didnt work out.

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