Wednesday, March 19, 2014

review 25

This artist has a lot of similar techniques and images that she uses for each of her art pieces. There usually of a women's face with some form of black line designs and vibrant water color splotches. Symbolism is used in all of the images, which usually connect with animals or nature. The eyes in each portrait are able to appear dynamic while also looking elegant, and are either looking straight forward or off in the distance.  I also noticed the square symbol on the lower right side of each of the paintings, which is a very creative way to sign art pieces.
Animal Spirits: DragonflyPencil and watercolor on illustration board5” x 7” inches 2013
© Patricia Ariel
Ability to see the truthPower of flightUnderstanding of dreamsBreaking down illusionsSwiftnessChange and transformationConnection with nature spirits

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