Friday, May 30, 2014

Review 36

  • Interesting how just by a glance the viewer can still see the movement and dance theme instantly 
  • The faint silhouette appears very abstract which leads the imagination to fill in the posture/details of the dancers
  • The kind of image where you notice a new element every time you study it and can reveal a whole new perspective just by the angle you're viewing it
  • The texture, red/orange rays, and the swirls of the fabric seem to reveal heavy emotions 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review 35

  •  Cant tell if that's the actual background or if it the objects and scenery is edited to overlap 
  • You can tell the black space between the road and mountains were colored/shaded in
  • The model has bright lighting and a grainy/faded effect that matches her vintage style 
  • The pigeons were defiantly photo shopped in which made me assume that the model was to. 
  • Pigeons/model both had a similar yellow and sunny gleam
  • They all varied in sizes and had a white blur on there wings

Friday, May 23, 2014

review 34

Streetwise (1984)

I was extremely impressed on how the filmaker was able to capture these characters in away that was naturally intriguing and at points was so captivating that it appeared scripted. The main personalities that was focused on all had  rambunctious charisma and unique qualities that did not seem at all apprehensive about being documented on camera. Following the group of youths lawless lifestyle creates a deeper understanding in the viewer who is able to empathize and understand the reasons behind there reckless behavior.
3f24ef3309ee28e48fe1403442537cad_large.jpg (620×570)

Friday, May 16, 2014


  • Girl looking around frantically, flinging clothes behind her, opening drawers repetitively,emptying boxes
  • *Cell phone rings* she freezes then looks around more urgently then before. *ringing stops* throws hands in air in frustration 
  • Pushes around more clutters of clothes, paper/worksheets(grades are visible in close up) and wrappers in till she finds cell. But when she finds it she realizes that battery is missing.
  •  She begins frantically searching again(same shot repeated of when she is first looking around, except the scene is sped up) 
After finding battery-close up shot of her hand reaching on desk for phone, but nothings there

Another sped up scene of her looking around (using new shots, no repeat)
  • transition shot: pan of messy floor before pan up to mid shot of her talking on cell. (actor pauses after parentheses) "ayy whats up, I know I know I'm sorry"
  • full shot-opening drawer, worms eye view (camera facing upward while in drawer)-looking back and forth before taking out suspicious looking zip lock bag and saying "I got it I got it, don't worry"(no pauses). scene ends when drawer is shut still in worms eyes view.
Gets out back pack puts zip lock bag in one of the pockets while saying 
"Imma bout to leave, I just gotta write my mom a note"
Leaves bedroom to living room (still on phone)
  • Takes out marker and paper. 
  • takes off cap with teeth and carelessly lets it fall to the floor
  • close up shot of side face while writing.
  • pan down to already written note: *At Marys house studying* 
  • ^(during shot) dialogue-"Where do you wanna meet?"
  • (pauses) "alright see ya"
  • With marker in hand, close up shot of reaching to grab cap,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Review 33

  • When I first saw the window I thought it was red paint, but later I noticed it was smudged fog with a red light pointing from the other side. 
  • The rain drop drips caught my attention because I often notice them on the windows of my car.
  • "Tankers arctic voyage" gave insight on the setting it was taken at or the environment it was supposed to be imitating.
  • The newspaper is the only thing that really tells us about the theme of the photo, which probably makes viewers more curious about whats going on.
  • The red light seems to be coming from a machine. 

Review 32

  • The background looks photoshopped in as well as the details on the rocks
  • The shadows in the background and dark contrast makes it so you can focus more on the color around the models
  • The bright blue looks painted in with watercolor and are noticeably messy around the edges
  • The girls legs are a powdery white making them look ghostly
  • purple surrounds there lower half like an aurora  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Near final render

Film Planning Assignment

1) Young girl-who represents innocence in the beginning of childhood.
     Teen girl- represents getting older and youth feelings, struggles, and situations 

2) starts out with a dark staircase, then bright light once the door opens.
    Film is black and white
    Faint color during certain scenes at the end

3) Images in film are based on the poems that will be read in voice over. 

Symbols in scenes: Butterfly wings= blooming from youth to adulthood 
                               Washing dishes= work and responsibilities 
                                Streets, cars, stoplights= decisions