I was extremely impressed on how the filmaker was able to capture these characters in away that was naturally intriguing and at points was so captivating that it appeared scripted. The main personalities that was focused on all had rambunctious charisma and unique qualities that did not seem at all apprehensive about being documented on camera. Following the group of youths lawless lifestyle creates a deeper understanding in the viewer who is able to empathize and understand the reasons behind there reckless behavior.
*Cell phone rings* she freezes then looks around more urgently then before. *ringing stops* throws hands in air in frustration
Pushes around more clutters of clothes, paper/worksheets(grades are visible in close up) and wrappers in till she finds cell. But when she finds it she realizes that battery is missing.
She begins frantically searching again(same shot repeated of when she is first looking around, except the scene is sped up)
After finding battery-close up shot of her hand reaching on desk for phone, but nothings there
Another sped up scene of her looking around (using new shots, no repeat)
transition shot: pan of messy floor before pan up to mid shot of her talking on cell. (actor pauses after parentheses) "ayy whats up, I know I know I'm sorry"
full shot-opening drawer, worms eye view (camera facing upward while in drawer)-looking back and forth before taking out suspicious looking zip lock bag and saying "I got it I got it, don't worry"(no pauses). scene ends when drawer is shut still in worms eyes view.
Gets out back pack puts zip lock bag in one of the pockets while saying
"Imma bout to leave, I just gotta write my mom a note"
Leaves bedroom to living room (still on phone)
Takes out marker and paper.
takes off cap with teeth and carelessly lets it fall to the floor
close up shot of side face while writing.
pan down to already written note: *At Marys house studying*
^(during shot) dialogue-"Where do you wanna meet?"
(pauses) "alright see ya"
With marker in hand, close up shot of reaching to grab cap,
I saw this image while on Tumblr, and something about it immediately caught my attention. There seems to be a lot of symbolism in this image but Im not clear on what thought/point its trying to portray. The steam coming out an engine from her mouth reminded me of control and obedience. The aerobics cube in parenthesis also was interesting and probably had to do with patterns/directions.
This street artist Justin Nether represented Trayvon Martin by his piece of a hooded black male, which is a popular symbolic image for the controversial killing/ trial of a young boy who was shot. Many people felt that that it was a hate crime while others saw it as self defense. http://www.sinuousmag.com/2012/03/creative-feature-art-for-trayvon/
This artist has a lot of similar techniques and images that she uses for each of her art pieces. There usually of a women's face with some form of black line designs and vibrant water color splotches. Symbolism is used in all of the images, which usually connect with animals or nature. The eyes in each portrait are able to appear dynamic while also looking elegant, and are either looking straight forward or off in the distance. I also noticed the square symbol on the lower right side of each of the paintings, which is a very creative way to sign art pieces.
This photo looked very unusual to me which is what caught my attention at first. The props that were used like the sand which and ciggarate gave the women in the picture character so that you could imagine what interesting personality she may have. Her fingernails also added to the edgy feeling of the image because they were long and green which matched the cucumbers in the sand which. The subject of the photograph was also very unique because you rarely see a close up shot of models or people eating.
In this black and white photograph almost all of the models face was covered with a shadow, the only facial feature you could fully see was her eye. Her pose indicated that she was trying to get a closer look at something by her lifted glasses and leaned forward posture. In front of her you can see another silhouette of a smiling women who seemed cheerful and looked as if she was in a conversation. I thought it was interesting that the faces of the two models seemed very misplaced next to one another and both had very different themes.
One of the things that stood out to me in this photograph is the way the models hair is being blown in the opposite direction that you would expect. Her body also appears very straight and stiff with her elbow bent straight behind her while she holds her purse.The direction of the hair seems to show how shes being pulled to the other side of the corner and her body that's in a vertical position appears to represent resistance. I thought it was also interesting how the background is similar to a fish eye effect around the point where the two corners meet.
I thought this was a unique photograph and looked professional even though very blurry. I really liked the colors in this and how the light spread across most of the image's background. The windows also popped out because of its light green shade that went well with the red and yellow shining from the street lamps. The woman's yellow hood and black hair made a strong contrast and made the photo striking even though faded and foggy.
This photograph was haunting to me and had a very gripping contrast and tone to it. I think its interesting how the arms are straight forward while the fingers are open and parted. Behind you can see the legs are placed with more of a lean while the feet and toes are tightly scrunched together. The faintness of the bed and the shadows on the arms and thighs make the image more mysterious and almost ghostly. I'm always impressed when a photographer is able to capture limbs in a way that is unique and original.
This piece was very striking to me and seemed to have lots of different elements that made the viewer notice a new part or symbol each time. I thought that the white background was a good choice because it made the details of the black wolf more defined and noticable. The patterns were also very intricate and varied through out the face.
I thought this was a very creative set up for the live performance. I liked how you could hear the background noise and the people passing by. It made the video seem very natural and spontaneous without distracting the viewers from the singer. The video also had a warm contrast that went well with her calming voice and acoustic guitar.
This music video is "Vannessa" a song by Grimes. I thought it was interesting how in the beginning you could here Grimes directing her models for the video. I also thought the angle of the women with freckles was very visually striking, especially with the black and white. There was a white back drop through the whole film so they could focus more on the dramatic movements of the people starring in the video.
This music video is for the song Gone by Lianne La Havas. The theme is very gloomy since its based on heartbreak and pain, which is probably why there is a greenish blue tint throughout the video. The close ups on the singers face and slowmotion was supposed to make the viewer focus on the singers facial expressions. I liked the underwater shot which had a man with dreads sinking with a slight light around him. After this shot they showed the singer crying with similar lighting as the water, which I thought was interesting since it seemed to connect the ocean he was in with her tears.